The town of Delein, itself, is at once wearily ancient and shining new.
Having been, in previous ages, hotly contested by countless armies and empires until their incessant warlike ways resulted in a complete collapse of their civilization. Its unfortunate historical popularity no doubt being due to the place's fortuitous location next to the White Bone River. With impressive regularity, the river flooded yearly in such a manner that the area is possessed of the most fertile farming land for leagues around. By itself, the land's ability to produce healthy crops even in the leanest of years, would have been sufficient temptation for any number of conqueror, petty or otherwise.
The town is well placed to be able to make best use of a natural rock shelf that extended from the shore into the waterway in such a manner as to create a sheltered marina. This feature being perfect for the storage and maintenance of the shallow bottomed curraghs and dugout long boats that are employed by the locals for travel, trade and fishing. Just off from the stone shelf however, the swift running current has carved a nice deep drop away of the shoreline to allow for the moorage of the larger trade vessels that made regular trips from one end of the river to the other.
The folk of Delein pride themselves on their ability to survive and even thrive in a fairly hostile land. The current iteration of the town would be celebrating the 99th year of incorporation in the fall, combined into the harvest festival as was their custom. It was shaping up to be quite the party, with three confirmed weddings set for the celebration and whispers of a possible new betrothal. Old farmer Angus was fattening up six of the best shaggy, black cattle he had for the feast.
It would fall to Jyslin's family to provide the alcohol. It was no accident that her kin owned the largest and best tracts of land in the area, including the ancient vineyard and brewery. The family had lived here for as far back as any could track and they had always made the alcohol according to their own recipes. The wine was their specialty and was sought from coast to coast for its particular uplifting qualities but the hard liquor always did well in sales.
IF she could focus on her work that is ...
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